If you're visiting hospital, there's a few basics you'll need to take with you. Our video guide shows you what to pack whether you're only coming in for the day, overnight, or staying a little longer.

Updated: Monday 8 July 2024

Published: Tuesday 19 July 2016

Cataracts affect many of us as we get older, but acting early can reduce the impact they'll have on your life. Thankfully, spotting the early signs of a cataract developing is fairly straight forward.

Updated: Thursday 4 July 2024

Published: Friday 19 February 2016

It's true, cataracts are common. Thankfully, there are precautions you can take to minimise your risk and prevent damage to your eyes and vision. Mr David Anderson, Consultant Ophthalmologist at Nuffield Health Wessex Hospital has four tips to protect your eyes.

Updated: Thursday 4 July 2024

Published: Thursday 18 February 2016

Open events are a great opportunity to tap into medical experts for free. Medical Executive Director, Dr Davina Deniszczyc explains how to get the most out of them in five easy steps.

Updated: Wednesday 17 January 2024

Published: Tuesday 17 January 2017

After two years of almost total sight loss from dense cataracts in both eyes, Suzanne Roberts had a nasty fall in February 2022, resulting in permanent damage to her elbow. Following cataract care for one eye from Mr Dan Morris of Nuffield Health Cardiff and Vale Hospitals in late November 2022, Suzanne returned soon in December 2022, for the other eye to be successfully treated.

Updated: Thursday 25 May 2023

Published: Wednesday 24 May 2023

Cataracts are the leading cause of visual impairment worldwide, but they can also be reversed with surgery, as long as you act early. Here are the 3 most common types of cataracts, their symptoms and what causes them, so you can both prevent and identify them.

Updated: Friday 28 May 2021

Published: Friday 28 May 2021

As the leading cause of vision loss in the UK, age-related macular degeneration is something we should see coming, but many of us fail to read the signs. Here’s what you need to know.

Updated: Thursday 19 November 2020

Published: Tuesday 10 May 2016

Cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration are the conditions most likely to affect your vision. Here's how we treat, prevent and manage the three thieves of sight.

Updated: Thursday 19 November 2020

Published: Wednesday 21 June 2017

In these unprecedented times we are all dealing with many personal, health and financial uncertainties, often resulting in additional stress and strain as we adapt to homeworking. Dr Rashmi Singh, GP, takes a specific look at eye strain and headaches associated with the pressures we find ourselves under whilst working from home during self-isolation and lockdown.

Updated: Tuesday 18 August 2020

Published: Monday 1 June 2020

After losing his wife to cancer, Bruce contemplated giving up his lifelong passion of bird watching. Determined, he gathered the courage to return to the fields, but cruelly his eyesight began to fail soon after. This is his story of love, loss and redemption.

Updated: Tuesday 7 January 2020

Published: Friday 12 May 2017

At just 51 years old, Graeme Chisholm was surprised to learn cataracts were responsible for his deteriorating eyesight. Here's how multi-focal lens implants brought his life back into focus.

Updated: Tuesday 7 January 2020

Published: Friday 12 February 2016