Diagnostic Scans at The Manchester Institute of Health and Performance
Find out more about a private MRI, X-ray, ultrasound or DXA with Nuffield Health.
Why choose Nuffield Health?
Our team of highly experienced specialists offer a comprehensive diagnostic imaging service including X-ray, MRI, ultrasound and DXA scans.
Rather than anxiously waiting for weeks or months, a rapid appointment for your scan, screen or test is arranged at your convenience and speedily followed by your test results.
These services are available to those who want to self-pay or have private medical insurance.
With new technologies becoming available all the time, and our commitment to investing in them, we can give patients access to high-quality imaging and scanning facilities.
How to book your test or scan
- To book a diagnostic test or scan we will always require an imaging referral from your GP or consultant first
- Please email your referral document to mihp.appointments@nuffieldhealth.com
- Once the referral has been received and assessed by our radiology team, they can confirm the exact test or scan required, the cost and expected timescales
Don’t have a referral?
If you don’t have an imaging referral from your GP, you can book to see a Consultant at The Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, and they can refer you, if clinically required.
Guideline cost for a consultation start from approximately £200. To book an appointment with a consultant, please contact us with more information on why you are looking for a scan so we can guide you to the most appropriate consultant.
The diagnostic scans we offer at The Manchester Institute of Health and Performance:

MRI Scanning
During a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan a large, powerful magnet, radiowaves and an advanced computer are used to take incredibly detailed images of the relevant part of your body. MRI has become widely used because the pictures are so detailed that the radiologist can see even tiny changes. This accuracy helps in the early detection of disease and injury, allowing effective treatment planning.
Find out more about MRI scanning.

An X-ray is a picture of the body produced by X-rays in a similar way to a normal photograph being produced by light. An X-ray machine produces a burst of high energy radiation which passes through the body to produce an image on a film or detector.
The images are then used to show bone and some soft tissue in an area specified by a healthcare professional. You cannot see or feel an X-ray, they are a quick and simple way of looking at the inner body.
Find out more about X-rays.

Ultrasound is a non-invasive scan used to diagnose and monitor conditions in many parts of the body. It can be used to determine the extent of injuries, as well as to guide injections and therapeutic procedures.
Some men's and women's health tests are carried out using ultrasound including testicular, gynaecological and pregnancy scans. Ultrasound scans are safe, painless and have no known side effects.
Find out more about ultrasounds.

A DXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) scan, is a special X-ray procedure that can be used to measure the bone mineral density, in order to assess your risk of breaking a bone. In general, if the density is low, or you lack calcium or vitamin D, then there’s a greater chance of a fracture.
DXAs are often used to help diagnose health problems that weaken bones, such as osteoporosis, or to assess your risk of getting them. They can also be used to detect other bone disorders and conditions, such as osteopenia, osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) and osteomalacia.
Cardiology tests

We also offer a dedicated cardiovascular diagnostic service including:
- Cardiac MRI including stress perfusion
- Cardiac CT including coronary angiography and calcium scoring
- 12-lead ECG
- 24-hour ECG
- Up to 14-day ambulatory ECG (Holter) – using wireless Zio patch
- Echocardiogram
- Exercise treadmill test (ETT)
To find out more and to book a cardiology test, click here.
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