4 natural ways to give cellulite the heave-ho

Abby Carpenter Abby Carpenter Personal Trainer, Nuffield Health Surbiton Gym
We may not be able to get rid of cellulite, but we can lessen its appearance. Bodybuilder and Personal Trainer Abby Carpenter tells us how.

Despite what photo editors in glossy magazines may want you to think, most women have cellulite. It is simply fat pushing against the connective tissue under your skin. 

The appearance of cellulite is more common in women than men because the structure of the connective tissue is shaped differently. It's not possible to get rid of cellulite, but it is possible to reduce its appearance. Here's how.

1. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly will burn calories, therefore fat, and help to tone your body, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Regular cardiovascular exercise is a great way to burn calories as well as reducing your risk of diabetes and heart disease by keeping your heart working efficiently and effectively. 

For people with a good base level of fitness I’d also recommend interval or HIIT (high-intensity interval) training. Interval training involves short bursts of intense work followed by recovery periods. This method not only burns more calories in a shorter period of time, but also works your heart more effectively and has been proven to reduce body mass and fat mass more successfully than steady-state cardio.

2. Do strength training

Strength training is also a vital tool in helping to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Strength training increases muscle mass and given that muscle burns more calories than fat, this increases your basal metabolic rate (meaning your body burns more calories at rest). Gaining muscle mass is also the key to achieving a more ‘toned’ look which lessens the appearance of cellulite.

3. Balance your diet

Having a balanced and healthy diet helps to prevent your body from storing excess fat. Make sure to incorporate wholegrains, lean sources of protein, such as chicken, beans and fish, as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Aim to have a ‘plate full of colour’. These foods provide your body with all the micronutrients it needs, keeping you fuller for longer, as well as being rich in anti-oxidants, which break down the fat cells in cellulite.

4. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps your body to flush out toxins and rid itself of excess fat. Water also strengthens your body’s production of collagen, which helps skin cells regenerate and allows skin to appear supple and smooth.

Last updated Tuesday 30 May 2017

First published on Tuesday 5 April 2016