Your 12-week half-marathon training plan
- Overview
Our 12-week half-marathon training plan features strength and conditioning sessions alongside a structured running schedule to get you in the best shape possible before your race.
Who is this training plan for?
This half-marathon plan is designed for a beginner middle-distance runner who has successfully completed the 5km and 10km distances. A 12-week plan is perfect for new runners interested in doing a half-marathon and testing themselves over 13.1 miles.
Be aware that our training plan is not designed with a finish time in mind. If this is your first time running 13.1 miles, don’t worry too much about hitting a specific pace during the race. The objective should always be to get to the finish line without injuring yourself.
- Level: beginner
- Plan duration: 12 weeks
- Goal distance: 13.1 miles
The importance of following a training plan

Training for a half-marathon takes a lot of dedication and training as the jump from the 10km distance up 13.1 miles is a large one.
Our plan is put together using the input of professionals and experts who understand the physiological and mental aspects of training.
By following a progressive plan that gradually increases mileage, you reduce the risk of injury and efficiently increase strength and fitness without risking burnout or overtraining.
Before you start…
Whilst our plan is designed for beginners, our beginner 5km training plan may be a better place to start if you’re brand new to running.
Before you start training for a half-marathon, it’s important you assess a few things before you start training:
- Make sure you’re fit enough to start training by getting checked over by a GP
- Know your limits. If you have an underlying health condition, you will need to take this into account during training
- Remember that a training plan is designed to last 12 weeks. Trust the process and know that if you put the work in, you’ll be in shape to run a half-marathon come race day
What does our plan involve?
Our half-marathon plan is built around a progressive running schedule that increases distance and intensity over time.
It also contains gym-based strength and conditioning workouts that are designed to strengthen the muscles in your legs and core before race day. If you don’t go to the gym, you can easily mimic or replicate these exercises at home.
The running plan
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
Week 1 | 15:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 20 second intervals / 1:00 minute rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 3-5 mile run |
Week 2 | 20:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 20 second hill sprints / 1:00 minute run | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 4-6 mile run |
Week 3 | 25:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 30 second intervals / 90 seconds rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 6-8 mile run |
Week 4 | 30:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 30 second hill sprints / 90 seconds rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 9 mile run |
Week 5 | 35:00 minute easy run | Rest | 20:00 minute easy run | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 10 mile run |
Week 6 | 20:00 minute easy run | Rest | 20:00 minute easy run | Rest | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 12 mile run |
Week 7 | 20:00 minute easy run | Rest | 20:00 minute easy run | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 10 mile run |
Week 8 | 30:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 30 second hill sprints / 90 seconds rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 9 mile run |
Week 9 | 25:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 30 second intervals / 90 seconds rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 6-8 mile run |
Week 10 | 20:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 20 second hill sprints / 1:00 minute rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 4-6 mile run |
Week 11 | 15:00 minute easy run | Rest | 10 x 20 second intervals / 1:00 minute rest | Strength and mobility | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 7-8 mile run |
Week 12 | 25:00 minute easy run | Rest | 15:00 minute easy run | Rest | 20:00 minute recovery run, swim, cycle, Yoga or rest | Rest | 13.1 half marathon |
Why 12 weeks?
A typical training block for a marathon lasts around 16 weeks. Because the half-marathon is a more accessible distance, you can trim this down to 12 weeks and still get great results.
Training for a half marathon is realistic alongside a busy lifestyle if you can commit to multiple weekly runs, recovery sessions, and gym-based strength workouts.
This doesn’t mean you should underestimate the half-marathon. If you’re not currently able to complete the 10km distance, a longer 16-week plan may be a better option to ensure you build up distance comfortably and avoid the risk of injury.
What types of runs are in our plan?
Easy recovery runs
Recovery runs should be run at a comfortable pace that doesn’t push you. They’re a great way to promote active recovery after a more intense running or strength training session.
If you’re short on your weekly mileage, an easy run is the best way to get you back on track.
Disregard pace for these runs and focus instead on building stamina and staying power.
Hill climbing is a great way to build stamina and lung capacity. Training on an incline also boosts your overall fitness and makes your legs stronger and faster.
Hill sprints are a bit different. You’ll be running uphill at a decent speed that isn’t too slow or too fast. Hill sprints are tough but important for building a strong cardiovascular base.
In short, hill training makes running on a flat feel a lot easier. Once you’ve spent some time running uphill, you’ll notice that running on the flat feels a lot easier. They also help your body get used to running at different elevations, which is handy if your race is hilly.
Interval runs are a must in any training plan, especially one designed for beginners.
Instead of running at a steady pace for a long time, interval training mixes things up. They involve you sprinting for a short period of time before slowing down to a jog or walk to catch your breath.
This kind of training helps strengthen your heart and lungs and helps to adapt your body to training at an increased effort. In our plan, we've strategically placed our interval sessions after a rest period. This means you can go all out without tired legs holding you back.
The long run
The long run is arguably the most important run in your training programme.
Designed to condition your muscles over long distances, this is where you build the stamina and endurance you need to get over the finish line on race day.
The long run is all about getting to the finish line. The conditioning you build in these sessions is what will keep you moving in the final third of the race.
The strength training plan
The gym-based strength and resistance training sessions below are designed to help develop the physical condition you need to maintain pace and power through the back half of your half-marathon race. Without adequate conditioning, your muscles will tire and fatigue quickly.
This training plan includes one strength and mobility session per week which targets all the body parts used when running.
The reason behind including just one strength session a week is that completing multiple runs alongside strength training sessions can be difficult. This keeps things manageable if you’re working and helps minimise fatigue as well as reduce your risk of injury.
Jogging, skipping or rowing | 1 | 2-10 minutes | - | - |
Bodyweight squat | 1 | 10-20 | - | Bodyweight |
Forward > side > reverse lunges | 1 | 10-20 | - | Bodyweight |
Glute bridge > single leg bridge | 1 | 10-20 | - | Bodyweight |
Inchworm with press up | 1 | 10-20 | - | Bodyweight |
Box jump or squat jump | 3 | 5 | 30 seconds | Bodyweight |
Medicine ball slam | 3 | 5 | 30 seconds | 10-15KG |
Back squat or goblet squat | 3-4 | 5-8 | 60-120 seconds | 60-80% 1RM |
Deadlift | 3-4 | 5-8 | 60-120 seconds | 60-80% 1RM |
Box step up or walking lunges | 3-4 | 5-8 | 60-120 seconds | 60-80% 1RM |
Calf raise | 3-4 | 15-20 | 60-120 seconds | 60-80% 1RM |
Assisted pull up or lat pulldown | 3-4 | 5-8 | 60-120 seconds | BW + assistance |
Bench press or press up | 3-4 | 5-8 | 60-120 seconds | 60-80% 1RM |
Plank or Copenhagen side plank | 3-4 | - | 30 seconds | Bodyweight |
Hip flexor stretch | 1 | Hold for 30 seconds | - | Bodyweight |
Pidgeon / figure of 4 stretch | 1 | Hold for 30 seconds | - | Bodyweight |
Supine hamstring stretch | 1 | Hold for 30 seconds | - | Bodyweight |
Cobra spinal flexion > extension | 1 | Hold for 30 seconds | - | Bodyweight |
Downward dog > foot pedals | 1 | Hold for 30 seconds | - | Bodyweight |
All you about training zones
Not all runs require the same level of intensity. Usually, the longer the distance, the lower the intensity. Training zones are a great way to regulate the amount of effort required for each run type.
Each zone is a bracket with heartbeats per minute determining its level. These zones are numbered 1 to 5. Start by sprinting until you record your maximum heart rate using a smartwatch or a heart rate monitor.
Once you have your maximum heart rate, you can use the bracketed zones below to determine what percentage of this number you need to put into each run type.
- Zone 1: 55-65% HR (warmups and light jogging)
- Zone 2: 65-75% HR (comfortable/conversational pace for aerobic training and recovery runs)
- Zone 3: 80-85% HR (moderate intensity for aerobic capacity and tempo runs)
- Zone 4: 85-88% HR (medium to high intensity for intervals and hill sessions)
- Zone 5: 90% + HR max (full effort for anaerobic fitness, endurance, and power sessions)
Pacing and why it’s so important

When you run your first half-marathon, pace isn’t important. Your goal should be to run at a comfortable speed that minimises your risk of fatigue and injury.
The main strategy for your race should be to prepare yourself physically and mentally to complete the 13.1-mile distance. Rather than fixating on a specific finish time, your energy should be focused on completing the weekly training sessions and monitoring your performance, heart rate and recovery.
As you progress through our plan, you’ll find a pace that works for you across different distances, durations, and intensities.
How much effort should I put in on race day?
We've broken down the perceived effort for a range of races below to help you figure out what your relative pace should look and feel like.
Aim for 90 - 100% of your maximum effort.
This is a fast-paced, all-out run where conversation shouldn't be possible. Your breathing will be heavy, and your heart rate should be close to its maximum.
This distance is short, so you’ll need to give it your full effort from the start, pushing hard all the way through. Focus on maintaining speed because you shouldn't feel able to conserve any after a strong finish.
Aim for a more sustainable pace that feels around 70 - 80% of your maximum effort.
You’ll want to find a rhythm where your breathing is steady enough to allow for light conversation, while your heart rate is raised but manageable.
It’s important to pace yourself so you don’t burn out early. You should feel like you’re working, but able to maintain this consistent pace from start to finish. If necessary, give yourself a km or two to 'settle in' to your
Plan to reserve some energy for a faster finish if you feel strong in the last few kilometers.
Aim for a steady and sustainable effort level of around 70 - 80%.
You’ll want to find a rhythm where your breathing is steady enough to allow for light conversation, where your heart rate is raised but sustainable over a much longer distance.
It’s important to pace yourself so you don’t burn out early. You should feel like you’re working, but able to maintain your pace for the full distance. Don't get complacent - the half-marathon feels a lot longer (mentally and physically) than the shorter distances.
Plan to reserve some energy for a faster finish if you feel strong in the last few kilometers.
Aim for an effort level of around 60 - 70%.
This is a conversational pace, where you can comfortably talk without gasping for breath. Your heart rate should be in a moderate range, and the goal is to keep your body feeling fresh for as long as possible.
You’ll be running for a much longer period, so pacing is crucial to avoid fatigue or injury. Try to keep a consistent, steady rhythm, and aim to finish with energy left in the tank to avoid hitting the wall or injuring yourself across the lengthy 26.2 mile course.
Top tips for training
- Make sure you are stretching before and after every workout. If you don’t, you run the risk of picking up an injury and ruling yourself out on race day
- Slow your long run right down. Maintaining a pace you know you can manage throughout a long run is the best way to avoid burnout
- Adjust your schedule if you need to. If you’re busy one day, reschedule a session for the following week. Try your best not to skip sessions if you can avoid it
Top tips for race day
- Stick to what you know on race day and avoid anything new
- This is most important when it comes to food
- Gather all your essentials in one spot before bed
- Make sure all your equipment and gadgets are charged the night before your race
- Eat a light and satisfying breakfast approximately three hours before the race
- Always check the weather forecast and dress appropriately
- Layer up to stay warm at the starting line (discard old layers if needed)
- Maintain your planned pace and don't let excitement derail your strategy
- Most importantly, have fun!
Which half-marathon is right for me?
The UK hosts hundreds of half-marathon races annually, ranging from well-known events in London, Edinburgh, and Brighton to hidden gems that aren’t as well known.
Whether you're keen on exploring local options or are open to travelling a bit for your first half-marathon experience, there's a wide array of choices to suit everyone.
Things to keep in mind when finding your first half-marathon include:
- Travel distance
- How hilly the course is
- The date (make sure you leave a minimum of 12 weeks between now and race day)
- The number of runners
- Entry fees.
The value of rest and recovery
Long periods of rest and recovery give your body the opportunity to put all your hard work and training into action. If you never rest, your body never gets the chance to build your muscles and body back stronger after training.
This can leave you feeling tired, fatigued, and overtrained with little to no energy to complete your workouts. When the body rests, it’s building and repairing our muscle fibres that get damaged during training.
Some great ways to keep your muscles feeling fresh include:
- Using a foam roller on your IT band/quad/hips/calves
- Completing band-assisted hamstring stretch/couch stretch
- Using a massage gun to relieve tension in your muscles.
Looking for more information on rest and recovery? Click here to view our in-depth guide
I’ve picked up an injury…
As frustrating as they may be, injuries happen to everyone and are an inevitable part of running that we all experience at some point.
Although sustaining an injury may seem like a setback, prioritising some time out so your body can recover and strengthen should be the primary focus.
If you have concerns about injuries or are seeking guidance on managing your rehabilitation process, take a look at the information on the page below:
More expert training plans
If the half-marathon isn’t for you, we’ve got expert training plans for the 5k, 10k, and marathon distances too.
Last updated Thursday 24 October 2024
First published on Wednesday 10 January 2024