Our not-for-profit status is a guarantee that any operating surpluses are reinvested back into the business, for the improvement of services, rather than being removed from the organisation as dividends. The assets of the trust may only ever be used for not-for-profit purposes, consistent with the wishes of our founders.

Nuffield Health has a special dispensation from Companies House, allowing us to avoid appending the "Ltd" label generally used.

Nuffield Health's strategy is determined by our board of governors, who are both directors of the organisation and the trustees of the not-for-profit organisation. The governors delegate day to day executive authority to the group chief executive. 

Nuffield Health also has unpaid non-executive members, comprised of individuals who played a significant role in the development of Nuffield Health, or in healthcare generally and who hold the board to account at each annual general meeting.

A Registered Charity Number: 205533 (England & Wales), a Charity Registered in Scotland Number: SC041793 and a Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England Number 576970.