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01444 456999

Why choose Nuffield Health Haywards Heath Hospital for your spinal treatment?

We cover a range of conditions that can leave patient’s feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when a diagnosis is hard to obtain.

If you are suffering from back, neck or joint pain, spinal disorders, numbness in your hands or disturbance in vision then speaking to a member of our Neurological Team could help you to gain an understanding of your condition and give you a treatment plan to work with.

Our hospital has been leading the way in private spinal healthcare in the South East for many years. Our reputation has attracted some of the country’s most experienced consultants who are all experts in their chosen field. All of our consultants are fully supported by our attentive matron-led nursing team, who maintain the highest level of primary care practiced throughout the hospital.


Our team of consultants aim to put you at ease from your very first outpatient appointment. You may need diagnostic tests such as an MRI or X-Ray which will be arranged by the hospital. All of these tests are designed to provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan. Treatment may include:

  • Prescription of anti-inflammatory medication
  • Physiotherapy
  • Epidural injection to help reduce inflammation around nerve roots
  • Surgical intervention

Here are just some of the surgical procedures our consultants provide at Nuffield Health Haywards Heath Hospital:

Please note that other spinal procedures are also available. Please give us a call or fill out a contact form if you are seeking an alternative treatment and require more information.

Our consultants

Mr Carl Hardwidge


Specialty: Neurosurgery

How to book a private consultation at Nuffield Health Haywards Heath Hospital

If you are suffering from back or neck pain and want to discuss your treatment options with one of our spinal consultants in Haywards Heath, you will need to book a private consultation via our dedicated Haywards Heath Hospital enquiry team on 01444 847719 or by filling out a contact form above.

Please let the enquiry handler know if you have had any recent X-rays or scans when booking your consultation, as there will be additional charges for any diagnostic imaging required.