Give us a call

0131 447 2340

We offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic imaging methods and image-guided treatment services, including X-ray, MRI, CT, ultrasound and DXA. Appointments are available within the calming, unique and quality clinical environment at Nuffield Health Edinburgh Hospital. 

We offer fast access to:

What can diagnostic imaging be used for?

Diagnostic medical imaging can be useful for scanning any part of the body, including:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Bones and joints
  • Muscles and tendons
  • Blood vessels and veins
  • Gastric and digestive health
  • Gynaecological health
  • Urological health/prostate

How quickly can I be seen?

An appointment can typically be made for a scan within 24 hours of us receiving your referral. Your referral will be protocolled by one of our sub-specialist consultant radiologists before an appointment is arranged.

You will require a referral from your GP or healthcare provider for all diagnostic imaging scans, except pregnancy ultrasound scanning, which you can self-refer for.

Who will carry out my scan?

Your scan will be carried out by one of our friendly, experienced radiographers. Once your scan is complete, it will be sent to a sub-specialist consultant radiologist for reporting. If you are having an ultrasound your scan will be performed by a fully qualified sonographer or consultant radiologist, depending on the type of ultrasound scan you are having.

How do I find out my results?

All scans are reported by a sub-specialist consultant radiologist, typically within 48 hours of your scan. You can obtain the results from your referring clinician.