We’ve redesigned our PDR forms for all colleagues, making them simpler, more engaging and aimed at facilitating a great conversation.  For some roles we have produced a specific template for others you can use a new standard form in a similar way to how you would have done before!


Our non-clinical Leaders should use the Leader Form which includes Our Leader Behaviours.  For guidance a leader is anyone who manages someone.

If you are a colleague and don’t manage people you can either use a similar form to Leaders, the Colleague Form or a simpler version for roles where there are lots of people performing the same role.  Both include our Team Behaviours.

The simpler My Performance form enables the manager and colleague to identify and agree key expectations or tasks rather than individual objectives, though these can be included if required.  For some roles these forms have been pre-populated for your ease.


Our clinical teams (usually this is anyone in a role which requires a professional registration to be maintained in order to be able to carry out their job) in Hospitals should use the Hospital Clinical Form. If you are part of the Occupational Health Team you should use the Occupational Health Clinical Form. These include Our Leader or Team Behaviours but also covers the professional codes of conduct relevant to the role and allows the opportunity to review compliance against this.

There isn’t a specific Clinical My Performance form option.

Use the form that best fits you and your team member’s needs and remember it’s the conversation which is the most important part of the process.