Dr Michell qualified from Cambridge then Oxford University medical schools and undertook neurology and subsequently, clinical neurophysiology training in Newcastle followed by Queen Square (London) and Sydney. At Addenbrooke's, he leads the Clinical Neurophysiology service, where they investigate diseases of peripheral nerve and muscle as well as interpret tests of the brain.
At Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital Dr Michell provides a full neuromuscular service using EMG and nerve conduction studies (no EEG or other specialist tests at Nuffield these are available privately via Addenbrooke's). He commonly investigates patients with problems such as tingly or numb fingers, numb legs, sciatica or other nerve root symptoms, and weakness suspected to be caused by nerve or muscle problems. He also performs tests to help diagnose rare diseases of the nerves and muscles. He is always happy to explain the tests performed since they are often unfamiliar to most patients and many doctors too. By understanding the investigation patients and doctors will appreciate its role in diagnosis and how it helps inform decisions about treatment.
Mr Phillip Johnston is a specialist in treatment of conditions of the upper limb, especially of the hand and wrist. Common procedures include carpal tunnel decompression, trigger finger release, trapeziectomy operations for hand and wrist osteoarthritis and treatments for Dupuytren's contracture. He also undertakes treatments for traumatic conditions including fixation of wrist fractures (distal radius and scaphoid) and reconstruction following these injuries (osteotomy for distal radius malunion and bone grafting and fixation for scaphoid non-union) and has developed a regional referral practice in complex wrist and forearm injury. The British Society for Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) collects surgeon-specific outcome data for trapeziectomy and his scores are better than the national average. Similarly, his BSSH outcome scores for Dupuytren's surgery are on par with the national average.
In total over the past 6 years, he has performed or supervised approximately 3500 operative procedures, or just under 600 operations annually. Within this, on average per year, are 95 carpal tunnel decompressions, 12 trapeziectomies; 65 Dupuytren's procedures, 20 trigger digit releases, 11 scaphoid procedures (acute fixation or treatment of non-union) and 35 procedures for distal radius fracture.
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4 Trumpington Road, Cambridge, CB2 8AF