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01483 555805

Why choose Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital for your breast care?

At Nuffield Health Guildford Hospital, we now provide a One stop breast clinic. You can refer yourself to our specialist breast clinic and we can help patients seeking to assess their risk with regards to breast cancer, to obtain a diagnosis, or simply to accelerate a diagnosis and treatment.

Our experienced breast specialists will ensure that your concerns are discussed promptly and that the right treatment, when needed, begins without delay. All women can be affected by breast disease. The important thing to remember is that not all breast disease is cancer. You should regularly check your breasts so that you can detect changes and seek advice promptly. This applies to women of all ages.

We offer diagnostic, surgery and chemotherapy services. 

Why go private with Nuffield Health?

Women with a family history of breast cancer know they have to be extra vigilant, but every woman - and man for that matter - needs to be aware of changes to their body because early detection counts. The team here work across the spectrum of patients - from those that are simply concerned and want reassurance, to those with a potential genetic disposition who need more investigation. We provide comprehensive advice including access to expert genetic advice and testing, and we know the best forms of imaging which may include mammography, ultrasound or MRI. Knowledge is everything in this area, and being able to speak to both expert medical professionals and also nurses who are experienced in helping breast cancer patients manage their condition is critical.

Medical bra fitting

What: Specialist Bra fitting for women after breast surgery.

: Farnham Fitness & Wellbeing Gym, Nuffield Centre, Weybourne Road, Farnham, GU9 9EL.

When: Monthly - first Thursday of the month. 30minute appointments.

Your Expert Fitter -

Book your appointment here.

Get in touch with us today

To book an appointment with our breast surgeons, Mr Pakzad, Mr Daoud or Mrs Singh please call 01483 555805 for details or contact their private secretaries via their details on their contact pages.