Jodie Breach
How can I help you improve your health?
Since graduating, I have worked in a variety of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal settings in initially NHS and then private sectors.
I developed a keen interest in foot and ankle problems since working with elite dance students at Elmhurst Ballet School where these injuries were common.
Since being at the Nuffield, I have therefore fostered a strong link with our foot and ankle consultants to facilitate the best possible care for our patients and enjoy developing the foot service with them further. I have post graduate training in lower limb biomechanics and orthotic provision to aid recovery if required.
I also have training in vestibular rehabilitation from completing "The Balance Course" at Southampton University. This is a specialist treatment for people suffering with vertigo and dizziness that is not offered by all physiotherapists.
As well as working clinically, I am also the National Physiotherapy Lead for Nuffield Health. My role includes providing professional leadership for our physiotherapists and working with the wider Nuffield Health team to champion the impact that physiotherapy has. I am to ensure that all our physiotherapists are able to provide the best possible care for all their patients.
My Qualifications
- BSc Hons Physiotherapy
- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
- Health Professions Council
- Member of ACPIVR (Vestibular Rehabilitation Interest Group)
- MClinRes
- Chair of the Association of Foot and Ankle physiotherapists