How much is it?

Nuffield Health Online GP is being offered to valued Nuffield Health employees at just £3 per person per month – for you and your family! That is a fantastic 75% discount off the high street rate of the service. Each member of your family that you sign up will cost you £36 per year, whilst you are an employee of Nuffield Health.

Please note, should you leave Nuffield Health and have signed up for the service, your membership for you and anyone on your plan will end. You are welcome to continue your access to the service by purchasing one of our retail packages available through the website.

How do I sign up?

Visit the sign up page and follow the simple instructions, or look out for the posters at your local site.

  • 1. Enter your details and click “Sign Up”
  • 2. Enter your Payroll ID as your discount code in the top right hand box on the page
  • 3. Select “UK” and “monthly” options, as well as the number of family members you would like to add to your subscription. Click “Continue”
  • 4. Complete your payment options and click “Finish and pay”.

You will be signed up and can then start to complete your online medical record and add any family members to your account.

What if I need to see a GP in person?

Studies show that over 60% of GP consultations can be conducted successfully over the phone and with the additional capability that video provides then this percentage rises to over 70%. Of the 30% remaining, most patients require a specialist referral for further investigation. In fewer than 5% of cases Doctor Care Anywhere GPs may need to refer you to an in-person GP, for example for a test or a physical examination.

Doctor Care Anywhere GPs can provide you with a referral letter for you to take to a Nuffield Health GP. Unfortunately, this is not included in the Nuffield Health employee offer and so you will have to pay £50 for this referral. Alternatively you can visit your NHS GP for further investigation*.

If you choose to see a Nuffield Health GP, your medical notes from your in-person consultation will be added to your Doctor Care Anywhere medical record for you automatically so that it is easily accessible for you and your Doctor Care Anywhere GP for your next appointment.

*Please note, you will need to book any follow up consultations with your NHS GP directly. We are unable to refer you into your NHS GP practice, however with the patient’s consent the Doctor Care Anywhere GP can send consultations notes to the patient’s NHS GP directly.

Can I sign my family up?

Yes, you can add your family members when you are registering for the service. Each family member will be an additional £3 per person per month.

If you would like to upgrade your account after you have registered to include family members, or if you have any questions about adding family members to your subscription, please call the customer service team on +44 330 088 4980 or email them at

What if I want to cancel my subscription?

By signing up to the service, you are committing to paying for the service until your benefits renewal (March of each year). If you do wish to cancel it before this time then you will need to contact the Customer Service team, who will need to validate this transaction.

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