A step-by-step guide to breast augmentation (or enlargement): the most popular cosmetic surgery carried out in the UK.

Updated: Wednesday 31 May 2017

Published: Monday 24 August 2015

We all love to smile, but so-called 'smile lines', or nasolabial folds, can make us look sad and tired. So what are the best ways to treat them?

Updated: Wednesday 7 December 2016

Published: Monday 24 August 2015

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the UK. If you are considering breast surgery, here are some of the best ways to ensure your silicone breast implants are safe.

Updated: Tuesday 25 October 2016

Published: Thursday 20 August 2015

We live in a culture that places a high value on youth. Everyone wants to look fresh and rejuvenated but nobody wants to look as though they have had ‘work done’. Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Nuffield Health Tunbridge Wells, Nora Nugent, discusses the options.

Updated: Wednesday 10 February 2016

Published: Monday 27 July 2015

When considering lip fillers to give volume to thinner lips, many women worry about the risks of developing a so-called 'trout pout'.

Updated: Wednesday 27 January 2016

Published: Monday 24 August 2015