• 1 in 10 men may experience continence or pelvic floor issues during their lifetime
  • Following prostate surgery, up to 70% of men suffer from urinary incontinence
  • 16% of males over 18 have overactive bladder
  • Erectile dysfunction affects more than 50% of men over 40 years of age
  • Men training at a high level, for example runners and athletes, can be affected by pelvic floor dysfunction, often suffering from a tight pelvic floor
  • About 2 in 10 men will have chronic prostatitis/pelvic pain at some point during their lives.

  • Men’s health issues can develop at any age and many men feel it is difficult to access care. This is often due to the sensitive nature of the subject and lack of information about available treatments.

    At Nuffield Health we have a number of Physiotherapists specialising in the treatment of men’s health issues. Physiotherapy can be useful in diagnosing and assessing a condition. This means that a treatment programme can be prescribed to address pain and dysfunction.

    Please don’t suffer in silence. Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for pelvic floor problems.

    We offer virtual appointments for those who would rather not come into clinic.

    If you would like to book an appointment you can do so by calling our customer service team on 0345 0454845 and ask for an appointment with a Male Pelvic Health Specialist.

    What to expect at your Pelvic Health appointment?

    What happens during a pelvic health physiotherapy appointment?

    A detailed history will be taken about the problems you are experiencing. Some of the questions may be of a personal nature to gain a full insight into the nature of your problems. You will also be given the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

    You may be offered an internal (ano-rectal) pelvic floor examination. This is not compulsory but forms a valuable part of the assessment and enables your physiotherapist to give you individualised treatment and ensure you can activate your pelvic floor muscles correctly. Your physiotherapist will discuss the examination in detail with you during your appointment and a chaperone can be arranged if you would like one.

    What does pelvic health physiotherapy treatment involve?

    Pelvic health (pelvic floor) physiotherapy treatments are based around exercise and advice, which is tailored to you following a detailed assessment. It may also involve some manual therapy, relaxation and breathing techniques. To ensure the best outcome, it is important that you take an active part in your rehabilitation and follow the advice of your specialist physiotherapist.

    How many appointments do I need?

    This varies for everyone, but most people need to attend a course of between 3-5 sessions over a period of around four months.

    Is there anything I need to bring to my initial pelvic health physiotherapy appointment?

    An up to date list of any medications you take is useful, plus details of any past or ongoing health conditions, investigations or treatments, especially if they are related to your current symptoms.

    You may also wish to note down any questions you have about the problem to ask your physiotherapist as well as thinking about the main problems you experience and how much they affect your day to day life.

    Do I need to do anything at home for my pelvic health physiotherapy appointments?

    You may be asked to complete a frequency volume chart for your bladder at home prior to attending your initial appointment or at some point during your treatment.

    Do you inform my GP about my pelvic health physiotherapy?

    Your GP is not routinely informed about details of your treatment but is informed if there are any concerns about your condition or if you require further investigations or referral to another health professional.

    Find your nearest Men's Health Physiotherapist