Abdominal pain

Abdominal (stomach) pain can be caused by many conditions. Often symptoms ease without treatment. However if your abdominal pain bothers you, see your GP in the first instance.

Abdominal problems

Abdominal (stomach) problems can be caused by many conditions. Often symptoms ease without treatment. However if your abdominal problems bother you, see your GP in the first instance.

Abdominal swelling

Abdominal (stomach) swelling (bloating) can be caused by many conditions. Often symptoms ease without treatment. However if your abdominal swelling bothers you, see your GP in the first instance.

Altered bowel habits

Altered bowel habits is a change in the frequency and/or consistency of your bowel movements.

Blood in urine (Haematuria)

If you notice a red or brown tint in your urine you should see your GP.

Cervical abnormalities

A smear test or cervical screening test is used to detect pre-cancerous cells in your cervix (the entrance to your womb). Regular screening monitors changes in the cells.


Constipation occurs when your bowel movements are less frequent or they are more uncomfortable to pass, perhaps causing straining.


Diarrhoea occurs when your bowel movements are frequent and loose or watery.

Epigastric pain

Pain in your upper abdomen (epigastric pain) can be caused by something as simple as over eating or drinking or consuming spicy or greasy foods. Indigestion is a form of epigastric pain.

Foreskin problems

Our experienced Urological consultants can diagnose and treat foreskin problems in a hospital near you.


Heartburn is a feeling of warmth or burning in your chest. It is not actually related to your heart. The burning is caused by stomach acid.

Heavy periods

Heavy, painful menstrual bleeding does not mean there is anything seriously wrong but could be a sign of fibroids, endometrial polyps or endometriosis – all of which we can treat safely and effectively.

Indigestion (Dyspepsia)

Indigestion (dyspepsia) is discomfort or pain felt in your chest or upper gut usually just after eating or drinking.

Menopausal bleeding

The menopause occurs when a woman’s menstruation reduces and stops. It is sometimes called "the change".

Nausea and vomiting

There can be many reasons for nausea and vomiting so it's important to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain can effect both men and women and can be caused by many conditions.

Postmenopausal bleeding

Postmenopausal bleeding is when someone experiences vaginal bleeding after they have stopped having regular periods.

Rectal Bleeding

Rectal bleeding can be caused by many conditions including something very minor. But it is always a good idea to it checked for your own peace of mind.

Testicular lumps and pain

It’s important to examine your testicles every month to evaluate their condition. It’s simple to do and probably best after a warm bath or shower.

Urinary tract symptoms

Our experienced consultants can screen for, diagnose and treat urinary tract symptoms.

Vulval lesions

Vulval lesions are growths or abnormalities in your vulva (opening of your vagina).