Give us a call

0208 505 3311

Level access

  • The main entrance has level access
  • There is level access from the main entrance to:
    • Main Reception
    • Accessible Toilet
    • Consulting Rooms
    • Imaging
    • Physiotherapy
  • There is lift access to the wards


  • The walls and the doors have high colour contrast
  • Glass doors and full-height windows have contrast markings
  • We have information available in large print on request
  • We have our patient menu available in braille


  • The fire alarm has flashing lights
  • We have a hearing loop in the reception area and/or main patient waiting area


  • There are wheelchairs available to support people with mobility issues
  • There is an accessible public toilet available
  • We have emergency evacuation procedures for disabled visitors
  • Some staff have disability awareness training
  • We have dedicated spaces available in the car park for Blue Badge Holders
  • Quieter times – we can make appointments available at quieter times for people who are anxious in crowds