
Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure to repair or replace a damaged or diseased joint.

Bone Graft

Surgeons can perform a bone graft to repair or rebuild damaged bone in many areas of your body.


A hemiarthroplasty is a procedure to replace only the femur portion of your hip joint.

Hip replacement

This is a procedure to remove your damaged hip joint and replace it with an artificial joint.

Hip resurfacing

This operation provides a new surface for the ball and socket that make up your hip joint.

Hip revision

Hip Revision is a procedure to take out your old hip replacement and put in a new one.

Image guided joint injections

If your swollen or painful joints, ligaments or tendons do not respond to conservative treatments your consultant may recommend image guided joint injections.

Manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA)

Under general anaesthetic your surgeon will move your stiff joint to a full range of motion, stretching the surrounding muscles and freeing the joint capsule.