Visitor Information: Infection prevention
At Nuffield Health we take infection prevention very seriously. We have trained infection prevention staff who take pride in maintaining high quality infection prevention standards within their hospitals.
Please help us to maintain our high standards by following our guidance.

Hand hygiene
Hand hygiene is one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection. All our staff are trained in the importance of hand hygiene and are well aware of the risks that poor practice can have on patients.
When in the hospital, you should expect to see doctors, nurses and other healthcare staff clean their hands before and after any care provided. If you have not seen a staff member do this, please do not hesitate to remind them. Please remember “it’s OK to ask”.

We have the highest expectations of our housekeeping staff to maintain a good standard of cleanliness. If you have any concerns about the cleanliness throughout the hospital, please inform a member of staff.
How to help us continue minimising the risk of infection in our hopsitals
When visiting our hospital there are sensible precautions that need to be taken to ensure the risk of infection is kept to a minimum. You can help us by following these guidelines:
- When you arrive at the hospital please use the alcohol hand rub which you will find in the reception area. Alcohol hand rub has been shown to be an effective way to get rid of bacteria and clean hands. If your hands are dirty you should wash them with soap and water.
- If you work in health or social care please do not wear your uniform or office clothes when you visit.
- If you have an upset stomach, diarrhoea or vomiting, a cough or cold or are unwell in any other way, please do not visit until you have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours. As you may be aware there are diarrhoea and vomiting bugs that can cause serious complications to patients in hospital and you can have a part to play in ensuring this is avoided.
- If you do sneeze or cough please ensure you do so into a tissue. Throw the tissue away each time, then wash your hands.
- If you have MRSA (Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) or have been in contact with someone with MRSA within the last six months, please do not visit the hospital
- Children may only visit under close adult supervision
- As a visitor please refrain from sitting on the bed
- Dependent upon the ward or department you are visiting, flowers may be restricted. Please speak to staff for more information
- Please do not bring any food into the hospital – with the exception of fresh fruit or bottled drinks.
Always clean your hands using the alcohol hand rub when entering and again when leaving the hospital.
You can use traditional soap and water or the alcohol hand rubs situated at the entrance to the hospital or in the patient’s room.
For more information on Infection Prevention please contact the Director of Clinical Services.
How to handrub
Follow the steps in our graphic to wash your hands effectively and help to prevent the spread of infection.
If you'd like to learn more tips, click the link below to read our article on hand washing.