What it will involve

Your session will last about an hour and you will be able to keep this to work at by yourself. During this 45-60 minute session one of our Fitness and Lifestyle Advisors will work with you to build a programme of exercises and activities to help you achieve your specific individual goals (e.g. weight loss, muscle gain, sports specific, rehabilitation).

This session is available for all fitness levels, whether you are a novice looking to shape-up or an athlete training to compete in your next race. These programmes are designed specifically around the needs of each individual. On completion of this appointment, you will be provided with a personalised gym programme card to keep a track of each workout.

The future

Your Fitness and Lifestyle Advisor will contact you on a monthly basis to discuss any areas with which you would like assistance, to discuss your progress, arrange re-programme sessions and help you continue to reach your goals.