Contact us

0113 3227251
Our clinic is accessible to both men and women, whether you have private medical insurance or just want to pay-as-you-go.

At Nuffield Health Leeds Hospital, you are offered rapid access to a team of breast care specialists. Mr Philip Turton, specialist consultant breast, oncoplastic and cosmetic breast surgeon, specialises in the diagnoses and treatment of breast disease. A specialist breast care nurse will also be available throughout your visits.

The most common and easy to recognise symptoms that require further assessment are:

  • Any form of breast lump
  • Breast asymmetry or enlargement
  • Change in breast shape
  • Lump or swelling in the armpit
  • Nipple crusting
  • Nipple discharge
  • Nipple inversion
  • Persistent breast pain
  • Skin dimpling/puckering
  • Skin redness not improving with antibiotics.

Breast screening

We understand that you want your results as quickly as possible, which is why same day imaging (ultrasound and mammography) is usually available.

Sometimes further tests are needed. If this is the case you will be contacted and can choose to continue your care with us or be referred back to your GP for referral to the NHS breast screening services.