How to: Kettlebell squat

Olivia Tyler Olivia Tyler Personal Trainer and Fitness Manager
Kettlebell squats work the legs dynamically and fire the upper back and shoulders. They also challenge the core as you’re holding the kettlebell in front of you.

We’re going to show you four different kettlebell squats:

  • Sumo squat (beginner)
  • Goblet squat (intermediate)
  • Double front rack squat (advanced)
  • Pistol squat (advanced).

What you'll need: 1 or 2 kettlebells

How to do a kettlebell squat

How to do a sumo squat

  • Stand with your feet wider than hip width apart and the kettlebell in between your feet
  • Squat down, placing both hands around the kettlebell handle and then drive through your glutes to return to a standing position
  • Keep in this position to squat, keeping your chest up and your back straight
  • Aim for 10-12 reps

How to do a goblet squat

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart
  • Pick up your kettlebell with both hands and hold it close to your chest with your hands around the main part of the kettlebell and the handle facing downwards
  • Keeping the kettlebell close to your chest, squat keeping your chest up and back straight
  • Aim for 10-12 reps

How to do a double front rack squat

  • Stand with your feet hip width apart
  • Pick up two kettlebells, one in each hand, and perform a kettlebell clean so they are in the rack position
  • Keeping the kettlebells in the front rack position, squat keeping your chest up and your back straight
  • Aim for 10-12 reps

How to do a pistol squat

  • Pick up your kettlebell with both hands and hold it close to your chest with your hands around the main part of the kettlebell and the handle facing downwards
  • Lift one foot off the ground and squat down, stretching that leg out in front of you for balance
  • Drive up through your glutes to return to a standing position
  • Alternate legs with each rep
  • Only squat as low as you can while keeping the alignment in your body

Last updated Tuesday 24 January 2023

First published on Tuesday 28 April 2020